For the Week of March 23rd, 2025
Pray for Nate & Kim Purcell’s son Liam, who is having a heart catheterization on March 27th. Praying for peace and wisdom throughout, the surgery to go smoothly, for him to recover quickly, and for the family to have peace during this time. (3/19)
Please pray for Neil Versluis who has been diagnosed with throat cancer. He will be receiving daily radiation treatments for several weeks. Pray for both Barbara and Neil as they are trusting in the Lord Jesus through all circumstances. (3/24)
Tina Ymker had outpatient surgery on March 13 and is recovering well. On March 14 Tina's mother Patricia Ruhstorfer, passed to her heavenly home at 89 years old. The celebration of life service will be at Augusta Bible Baptist Church in Augusta Michigan on April 5th. ( 3/25)
Please pray for Bob Schouman who is dealing with Pneumonia. Pray for healing. ( 3/27)
Praise & Thanks
Pastor Marshall and Tammy Holtvluwer give thanks for the healthy birth of their granddaughter to Chance and Sydney Deane. Brynley Mae Deane was born 8 lbs, 2oz on Saturday morning. Praise God. (3/22)
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.”
Philippians 4:6,7