Family Ministries


For Infant-4th grade


Our Mission: To serve and support families and children as they come to know Jesus Christ and then help them take the next step in their relationship with Him.

Our Vision: To partner with families as we encourage a new generation to seek Jesus Christ, share His love, and grow His Kingdom.

Children are important to us:

We strive to offer creative ways to partner with parents in their role as the most significant spiritual influence in their child's life. Every Sunday we invite children to experience God's love in dynamic ways. Each week we also offer worship materials so that children are fully engaged in our CLC multi-generational worship. 

Register Here for UpStreet 2024

This week's UpStreet Newsletter  

Volunteers - 9:00 am  Volunteers - 10:45 am

We equip children to respond with their hearts and lives, to live their faith, and to make a personal commitment to Christ. Our ministry is centered on Deuteronomy 6: 5-7:Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.


Looking to get connected? Volunteer? Have questions?

Contact Lyn VanTol, Family Ministry Director, at

M-2 - Middle School

For 5th - 8th Grade Students

Our mission is to GATHER young people together in a safe, welcoming environment where they are encouraged to dig into their faith and GROW in their relationship with Jesus. We use small groups, large group teachings, worship, service opportunities, games and more to connect with each other and with God; and through it all, we strive to live for Christ, bearing fruit to His glory and growing in our knowledge of Him. (Colossians 1:10)  

Click Here to Register your Child for M2


     Click Here for the Weekly Update

Courtney Stahl- Middle School Director

The Walk  

For  9th-12th grades

High School Students Meet To Deepen Their Relationship With Jesus Christ

Our goal is to create an open, inviting, and dynamic ministry that leads students toward a
life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Sundays at 9am on the second floor of CLC. 

Fall registration is now live!

Click here to register for the Walk 2023/2024


Kris Jones- Director of High School Ministries and Missions

(616) 847-2540 ext. 105