Special Needs Ministry

For students with special needs

Our Mission
To partner with families in leading individuals of all abilities to take the next steps in developing an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Vision
To provide individuals of all abilities a warm, safe, and secure environment in which they can hear, see, and learn about Jesus. To provide a place where individuals of all abilities can serve and build a relationship with God and others in the church community.

What We Do
We provide an inclusive program that works with parents to find the right balance for each individual student.  Also, our student areas have Sensory-Friendly rooms equipped with swings, as well as magnetic walls, ipads, and other sensory items to help engage individuals of all abilities.


Our building is accessible with wide aisles, assisted doors,  and an elevator to all floors.  We are on the local public transportation route which can accommodate wheelchairs and walkers.

Click here to Register for Regatta and/or Sunday Crew 2023/2024


Deb Knott, Special Needs Coordinator
dknott@ghclc.org | 616-847-2540

Covenant Life Special Needs Ministry

Everything you ever wanted to know about Deb, the special needs program and accessibility-just one of many aspects of Covenant Life Church that makes it unique.



After School Program

Regatta provides an environment where individuals with disabilities can draw closer to Jesus Christ, through worship and learning more about His word. Regatta is a great place to interact with friends, feel comfortable, practice social skills, and try new activities. Regatta also provides a small break for parents and a place where volunteers can use their God-given talents. Please contact Deb Knott with questions or concerns at dknott@ghclc.org.

This fall, we will meet every Tuesday from 3:30-5pm on the second floor at Covenant Life Church. Meetings will start on October 3.  Registration is required

Click here to register for 2023/2024 Regatta

Sunday Crew

Sunday morning program

This class is for teens and young adults with developmental disabilities. This fall, we will meet Sundays during the 10:45 service at Covenant Life Church.

Students will sit with their families in the sanctuary or worship center for the singing portion of the worship service and then will be dismissed by the pastor to meet Miss Deb near the stairway. We will head upstairs to room 203.

Please contact Deb Knott at dknott@ghclc.org or 616-443-5497 if you have any questions.  This fall, we will meet Sundays during the 10:45 service and meetings will start on Sunday, September 17.

Registration for Sunday Crew is required.

Click here to Register for Sunday Crew 2023/2024

All Stars Quarterly Event

Games, Crafts, Snacks and Activities with a one-to-one buddy is included in this fun-filled event.  The favorite part of the evening is always Karaoke!!