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Give Time and Talent

Shine 365

Do you have a special talent or skill that you could share with others in need? How do you Shine for Jesus? Maybe you volunteer in UPstreet or a local food bank. Perhaps you visit shut-ins or make meals for people. We would like to hear from you! List ways in which you could use your time to help others in our congregation and/or our community. We will contact you as a need arises to see if you might be available at that time. Thank you and keep shining your light!

Examples: Babysitting, volunteering in the church nursery, gardening, praying for others, walking someone's dog, tailoring/sewing, helping someone with their phone or computer, visiting, plumbing, electrical, making bunk beds or ramps, painting, sending cards, counseling, tax preparations, photography, carpooling, or just spending time with someone.

Click here to fill out the Shine 365 Card