Giving FAQ's

Does CLC accept debit or credit cards for donations?

Yes we do accept debit or credit cards, as well as checking and savings accounts. 


Who has access to my information online?

To use the online giving system you must create an account or activate your account, if we have your email address in our church directory. Only authorized staff can see your donation information.


Who will know how much I give?

Only the people who currently process giving can see the amount you give—your privacy is very important to us. The “Giving” tab has the option for you to print your giving history anytime using the following options: 

  • Last Calendar Year
  • Last Quarter
  • Year to Date
  • Date Range


Is online giving process safe?

Yes. Elexio services is using highest level of controls for online giving and processing.


How long is the process?

Four easy steps! Each step will be explained in detail on our tutorial page.

  1. Donation entry method is selected by church member
  2. Donations are entered
  3. Donations are processed
  4. Donations are deposited into church bank account