New Hope Peru

Watch the teams highlights reel, reflections, read text and listen to audio from the 2024 mission team.

Arrival in Peru - Reel #1


New Hope Peru

2nd half of trip - Reel #2


Reflection Reel

Listen to reflections from the New Hope Peru Mission trip.


Reflection Questions and Answers  

Two of our team members, Violet Lutz and Hazel Jones were unable to record their messages while on site. 

Here are their insights and powerful words. 

Text responses for the Reflection Questions by Violet Lutz :

1.) What are some of your highs and lows from this trip?

A high is getting such a more broader and better picture of Gods family. It was really amazing seeing different people worship the same God. It gave me kind of a bigger picture of Gods kingdom and what that looks like.

A low would definitely be hearing about why the children are at the orphanage and doing my best to not form any strong attachments with them for their own sakes.

2.) What is something you learned from this trip?

A takeaway I had from this trip is that of course bad things happen in life, but God will always provide what you need to get through such things. Trust that God has your back and is working for your good in life.

3.) What is something you want the church to know about New Hope Peru and the work here in Peru?

Trying to improve the living space for them and create a better environment for the kids to be at. Showing Gods love through acts of service and through our own actions. 

Listen to the audio response to these questions from Hazel Jones below.